Monday, October 20, 2008

Syracuse and Fremont

Syracuse played Fremont last week. The Sophomores had a rough go of it, as some of the players had been suspended from the week before, but they managed a win. Corbin got his first high school interception, but I missed that photo op too. lol. He isn't very happy with my photo skills. Corbin spent most of the game playing defense, but played a little offense, did kickoffs, and was the placer for field goals. The Varsity managed to scrape by with a win 7-0. Which is pitiful considering Fremont is ranked at the very bottom. This week will be the last week Corbin plans to play. (He will be having surgery on Dec 4th.) The Titans will be playing the Davis Darts this week (That's where I went to high school. I'm a little torn) Should be a great game. Go TITANS! Or Darts...whatever.

Below: Corbin in blue.

Titan #27
Below: Hunter Dimick makes a run down the field

1 comment:

Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

Yes, the huge bush on 1000 is the one we stole from. We are laughing, hopefully you didn't see us in pj's at the corner!!!! We love your blog by the way, your background and pictures are incredible!! Love, The Tipsy Girls