Well, He'd be about the only one I'd trust these days. I've listened to and read so much misinformation today that I'm saddened. People will listen to gossip then spread it on bread and hand it out as lunch. Hello, you naive people! Do you actually think that the whole nation would let a man become president that wasn't born in the U.S? And, just because his middle name happens to be the same as the middle name of a terrorist.....doesn't make him a terrorist! I'm pretty sure there are plenty of men who have been named Adolf who are exceptional men that are good at heart. Seriously! Are you kidding me?! Obama is Muslim? Not! He's Cristian. At the end of his speech last night he said, "And God bless America." To all you people who care about that in Utah. You might want to remember though, most people outside of Utah don't believe Mormons are Christian. Not true, but gossip is what it is. I've been really disappointed in people and their gossip today.....Seriously! Get educated, and quit the gossip!
You might think I voted for Obama....I didn't. But an injustice is an injustice. And I'm sick of all the "Dooms Day" crap. The world isn't coming to an end in the next four years! Just stop it! Most people didn't vote for Obama only because he's black.....They voted for his message. Give 'um a little credit. Will there be change....only time will tell, but I have hope for my nation, respect for the office of the president, and a belief in myself that "Yes I Can!" So, we'll start on that common ground, and go from there.
So, quit your play ground bullying, move forward...quit livin' in the past or at least trust in God for the best.
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2 days ago
I will agree with you on the "respect the president" issue. I think Bush has been ignorantly disrespected and I'm pissed off about it.
However, I do believe he WAS voted in because he IS black AND because they didn't want another republican as president right now. Record # of black people did come out and vote this time, which really, really helped him. I do think the "race" issue played into it.
I am not a racist and I look forward to what he will do. I agree with you that the "labels" have to go, but they have to go on both sides!
Bless Sara Palin's heart. She needs more back-up than Obama. What a sad deal she was put thru!
I'm glad you shared your opinion, I enjoyed reading it!
Tiff, can i just say thank you?!! Rett came home from work today totally bummed at how many people were totally talking crap at work!! He said he was just sickened but all the stuff he heard!
Thanks again for your post...you said it perfectly!!
Nice post Tiff :). There are so many things wrong right now with Washington that it is going to take more than just one man to fix it all. I think alot factored into his win ie: the black vote and a msg against Bush. I feel bad that McCain's policies were overshadowed by the hatred and disrespect that Americans have for President Bush. What scares me the most about Obama is his assocations. Some of these people are down right scary. I do hope that he can live up to what he has promised people though. He has a tough road ahead and I agreee that labeling will not help, but like the post from Angie said, it has to stop on both sides. I've had so many rude people flipping me off yesterday because I still had my McCain sticker on my car. Really sad that they can't win gracefully either.
The office should be respected no matter what (I agree with Angie, that Bush should have had more respect-he is the leader of our country.) Sadly, the president takes the brunt of things, even when a lot of the problems are directly related to things that Congress has done (or not done.) For the past two years, the legislative and executive branches have been butting heads and we have suffered for it.
I completely agree, what it is is what it is, move forward and pray for him and for our country, just like we would have had McCain won...I love America, and I am grateful to live here. I love democracy, even when it doesn't produce the hoped for results. (and for the record, I don't know how pleased I would have been with McCain...I didn't like our choices!)
I completely agree with what you said! The election is over and we have a new President voted in by a majority. I think one of the best things about this whole election is how it got people involved. I am sad to admit, I haven't voted in the majority of past elections. I am now pleased to support a new President and just hope that things can only get better. It won't happen overnight but it will get better. (BTW, I did not vote for Obama but am so happy to see history made.)
"YES WE CAN" worked for the Titans!!!
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