Family: I watched my nieces, Kylee and Riley for a couple of days this week. Boy, babies are so much work. It about killed me. I'm glad I'm done with that part of my life. I'm way to old for that. We also got to go to Rick's cousin's (Amber) house for a family party. I wish I would have taken pics. I brought my camera and forgot to get it out. Anyhow, it was fun to catch up with everyone. We need to do it more often. Thanks Amber.
Friends: We went to dinner at our good friends the Saddlers this weekend. I had a great time taking pictures of their daughter Taylor. She was getting ready for her first school dance. She went with a boy from our neighborhood. Taylor is such a doll. I love that she wore Converse with a formal dress. She dances to her own beat and I love that about her.
We also played of our favorite things to do. Thanks Saddlers! We love you and always enjoy your company.
Fall: Well, yesterday was the first day of Fall. Rick and I had a great run this weekend up at Kay's Trail. It was beautiful. I can't wait to get out take some pictures.
The Fall TV season also started...YEAH! We watched Dancing With The Stars. Can I just say....I have a huge, HUGE crush on Brooke Burke. She's beautiful!

Can I also say....someone give Susan Lucci and apple or something. She is WAY to thin. I also wondered how someone who rocks a bikini (Misty May-Treanor,) can make a ball gown look manly? I think Lance Bass will win, and I loved his partner, Lacey Schwimmer. She rocked the floor! Rick on the other hand was positively giggly to have Boston Legal back on. He loves that show. He laughs his butt off when he watches it.
I love premier week! I can't wait until Survivor and CSI...
I started blogging last year when we moved to Dallas to keep in touch with friends and family and it has been so fun...I love to write down all the fun and funny things that are happening. Go ahead and link me, I'll do the same with yours, if that's ok.
I hope you guys beat Clearfield!!
Seriously- Brooke is just too cute!!! It's not fair, didn't she have a baby like 4 months ago! I like her and Lance too, although I think Warren Sapp is fun too watch. Can't wait for Grey's!!
Ok...I'm just happy that Max is back on DWTS!! Last season was not the same w/o him :). I told hubby that I'd take up ballroom if he were my teacher LOL! Is that Ticket to Ride or train ride you are playing? My sister got me hooked on the European version!
I love Dancing with the Stars! I just wish I could look and move like them. Kinda surprised Misty May could move (I expected a Monica Seles). :)
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