Yesterday I finished The Cereal Murders by Diane Mott Davidson. I read Mrs. Davidson's books not because they teach me things, but because they distract me from things. Her books have light, funny humor, and her main character is middle aged, and doughy (I relate what can I say.) But what I really love about her books is the way she uses words to paint pictures of luscious, decadent, food in my head. She's like Jane Austin, but instead of torturing you with desire, and wanting for love, Diane Mott Davidson tortures you with desire and wanting for food.
You may think that I love to cook....you'd be dead wrong. I love food that will kill you. I really love it! But, I detest cooking. It's a good thing the Lord gave me no desire to cook because if I was a woman that liked to cook.....They'd have to remove windows, and call emergency services to get me out of the house.
The other day I read Brooke Gatten's blog, and she was talking about how much she loves healthy food and doesn't like junk food....It's a real good thing she's so cute, and sweet, cuz I wanted to hit her. Her sweet disposition is the only thing that saved her. I can't lie. (and I'm mean on a heavy bag. She would have gone down hard) I'm just jealous......jealous that Brooke likes vegies....raw probably. Why! Why me! I want to love vegies like Brooke!
Oh, Yeah, the book. If you are like me and love food that kills.....I recommend Diane's books. :)
Catering to Nobody (1990)2. Dying for Chocolate (1992)3. The Cereal Murders (1993)4. The Last Suppers (1994)5. Killer Pancake (1995)6. The Main Corpse (1996)7. The Grilling Season (1997)8. Prime Cut (1998)9. Tough Cookie (2000)10. Sticks and Scones (2001)11. Chopping Spree (2002)12. Double Shot (2004)13. Dark Tort (2006)14. Sweet Revenge (2007)
Are you kidding I love eating junk food. I just try not to. But I do love to read and will pick up that book because it sounds delicious. It was fun to see Rick and corbin. You will have to ask corbin about eating the beetles. Talk to you soon.
Hey, Tiff. Thanks for the book recommendation. I'll definitely have to try them out. I mentioned that I wished we lived closer so you could be my personal trainer, but I just saw your workout log. Ummmmm......I'm thinking you would kick my sorry old flabby butt. You're a crazy woman!
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