Here We Go Again!
Seriously, didn't I just post the last day of school like...2 weeks ago? Well, Monday was the first day of school for Chantel. It's hard to believe kids have such sort summers now. What dumb adult thought that was a good idea? Even Rick couldn't get over it.
I have to admit I did do a little cheer for John Anderson (I went to school with him, and his daughter is in the class) at Back To School Night when I would be the last time I had to go to Back To School Night...EVER! Because this is Chantel's last year of Elementary. Poor John has a lot of years left. :(
So, what's the Friday Flashback you ask? It's Corbin and Mrs. Sorte. Corbin also had Mrs. Sortie for 6th grade. Lucky for Mrs. Sorte, I don't have a 3rd son. Instead I have Channy, who I think will be much easier on the poor woman.
Here is Channy with Mrs. Sorte. She looks so much older than Corbin did. Crazy how the girls look so much older than the boys at this age.
She really is a pretty little thing. Maybe I shouldn't be cheering for Elementary to end after all.....
My kids start monday as well, i hate the short summer! You are lucky this is your last year of elementary....that is no where in sight for me!
We start school in 3 weeks, I'm sure it will be here real quick. This year Brooke's kids go to the same school as mine do.
Chantel is such a pretty girl.
We need to get together again before summer is over, I'll talk to Brooke and see what works for them.
Um...yeah, I would have her carry a stick with her. She's a cutie!
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