Thursday, April 10, 2008

Birthday #39

Happy Birthday to ME!

What a really wonderful birthday. It was a fabulous day. It started with Boot Camp. Seriously, It’s the way I start a lot of days, but I love the people I workout with. They are all up beat inspiring people that work hard and laugh. It’s always a great start to my day. Then I went to breakfast with Rick (who was sweet and took the day off), Chantel (who is off track), my mom, and old family friends. I had a homemade apple fritter, yummy. It was nothing but laughs. I really enjoyed myself. After that it was off to get a couples massage with Rick. If I were rich I’d have a full time masseuse. It was pure heaven. We went home and chilled until dinner time, and for dinner we went to the Timbermine as a family. It was delicious. All in all it was a perfect birthday spent with people I love, and while the gifts were great…it’s the people that really made my day. Loves to you all. Mwah!


The Larsons said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sounds like a blast! We are both April babies! You look darling! Rick needs to call and give Andrew some tips! :) Your kids are sure growing up... I guess that's happens when you get old, your kids get older too. :) j/k You look better than most people I know who are a lot younger.... go boot camp! So glad you had a great day!

Amber said...

Glad you had a great bday. One more year until the big 40. You'd never guess you were 39 you still look so young.
We'd love to get together. No plans for that last weekend in May and I'd love to see Debbie and Mike and Dick and Wendy. I can bring whatever you need, just let me know when and where. If you want we could do a big get together around here , either one. I know my mom will be in town that weekend too, she is babysitting Ben's girls in Provo, she'd probably love to come too.

Brynne said...

HAPPY 39th!! You sure look awesome! I know what you mean about the full time masseuse (sp?). I always tell Jon when we get lots of money I'm going to hire a little Mexican lady to give him all his massages because i HATE to give them...and he's very high maintenance in that manner. ;) Looks like you had a great day. And how cute that Rick took the day off! ::sigh::