Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Last of Childhood

So Sweet She Sleeps. I took this pic the other morning when I went to wake her for school. It kinda made me sad. I know these are the last moments of childhood that she clings to; her there, sweetly sound a sleep with her stuffed animals. I know she dangles by a thread to the innocence of childhood. She’s about to drop into the bubbling, boiling, turmoil of teenage hood. I’m but a lifeguard there with 2 others already to watch over, and I’m really tired. I hope Challis is about ready to get out of the pool. But, today I’ll relish this….what may be the last of the sweetness.


Brynne said...

This couldn't be any cuter. I bet it does go so fast!! Man, we have to savor every moment, huh?

Amber said...

So so true, made me kinda sad to read it. It seems to take forever for them to grow up yet at the same time it flies by. Thanks for sharing, it's a good reminder of how fast it really goes. What is Challis planning to do next year?

The Larsons said...

This is a priceless picture. Thanks for the reminder to take it all in now. In the back of my head I sometimes wish I could trade places with you and be "done", but I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts. :)