Everyone Loves A Parade....
Well everyone except my brother-in-law Jeff. And he came anyway because my sister made him.
We mostly came to see my niece Kylee, Chantel and Jeff's mom Retta who were on a float. But, it's great fun to celebrate with your community. Hometown parades show off the local businesses, schools, and give you a feeling of it's spirit and heritage. Like most Utah parades there's candy, horses, queens, and fire engines. The kids really love it.
We mostly came to see my niece Kylee, Chantel and Jeff's mom Retta who were on a float. But, it's great fun to celebrate with your community. Hometown parades show off the local businesses, schools, and give you a feeling of it's spirit and heritage. Like most Utah parades there's candy, horses, queens, and fire engines. The kids really love it.
Below is the float Chantel, Kylee, and Retta were on. Retta is walking in the green shirt.